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ICL Certified Ruby Gemstone Jewellery

Red is definitely the most attractive colour to the human eye which is why the powerful colour of Ruby is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of gemstones. Not only is it the birthstone for the month of July, the ruby gemstone is also a symbol of nobility, royalty, love, passion, fire and power. 

Rubies are one of the most expensive and valuable gemstones in the coloured stone market. Being part of the corundum family along with Sapphires, they are one of the second hardest gemstones in the world after diamonds. This makes them very versatile and suitable for daily wear.

Ruby meaning

The ruby gemstone is associated with various symbolic meanings such as love and passion, strength and courage, as well as wealth and prosperity. Giving someone a ruby as a gift can be seen as a way of expressing your strong feelings for them. As rubies were believed to have the power to promote lasting love and happiness, and preserve physical and emotional health, couples often exchange rubies during their 40th year wedding anniversary to honour their long-lasting love and commitment to each other.

Choosing your Ruby Shape

Ruby stones come in a variety of shapes including round, cushion, oval, and pear. We recommend picking a shape you like that suits the purpose. Rubies are commonly made into fashion rings, Ruby earrings, Ruby bracelets, Ruby necklaces as well as Ruby rings for men. They are rated 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness which are durable for engagement rings or daily wear jewellery.

Red Ruby Colour

Rubies got their name from the Latin word "Ruber", which means "Red". From this, you might think Rubies are only available in a red colour but they actually come in a range of colours - purplish red, red, orangy red and pinkish red.

How to choose a ruby's colour?

The ruby price is determined by the gemstone’s origin and colour. A vivid red with medium to medium-dark tone is considered the finest quality and is known as Pigeon Blood Ruby. Burma Ruby is the best source for this bright, vibrant red colour, followed by Mozambique. Madagascar rubies have a pinkish hue while Rubies from Thailand tend to be slightly darker with a purplish hue.

Differences between Ruby and Pink Sapphire

Many people get confused with the difference between Rubies and Pink Sapphires. Both belong to the same corundum family and the difference between them is the saturation of colour. Rubies have at least a slight hint of red, while Pink Sapphire remains pink. The economic value of rubies tend to be higher than Pink Sapphire because they are rarer and traditionally, more coveted.

Ruby Jewellery Designs

Accessorise your outfits with style or bring more passion into your relationship with our custom ruby jewellery.

Explore more gemstones from our Asia’s Biggest Virtual Gemstone Inventory! All gemstones come with an International Colored Gemstone Laboratory (ICL) Certificate to determine the color intensity, clarity, and origin of a gemstone. The gemological laboratory operates under strict rules and adheres to the highest standards of gemological grading.

Speak to our Gemologist

The two important factors to consider when evaluating the value of a ruby gemstone are its colour intensity and origin. For example, if you like Pigeon Blood Rubies for their vivid red, look for stones from Burma or Mozambique. If you prefer pinkish rubies, opt for Madagascar ones.

At ZCOVA, we only offer real rubies that are ICL certified. Speak to our in-house gemologist for recommendations on rubies that match your style and price range.

Rubies are a popular choice for jewellery due to their stunning colour and durability. They are believed to have various uses and benefits such as offer protection against negative energy, promote lasting love and happiness, enhance physical health and more.

A ruby’s value varies depending on its specifications such as Cut, Clarity, Carat weight and Colour. It can cost anywhere from RM1,500 to RM200,000, or even beyond that. If you’d like some recommendations, speak to our in-house gemologist at ZCOVA to find a ruby that suits your style and price range.